Friday, May 21, 2010

The Interview Assignment

1)What is your full name ?

. Jackson Rockingster

2)What was your major in college and what kind of degree did you earn? Did you attend graduate school for an advanced degree? If yes, what degree and where?

. I majored finance and investment BBA( Bachelor of business and administration) also history BA(Bachelor of art). Then I get my degree in history and investment in NYU (New York University).

3) Why did you choose your professional field?

. Because,I basically realized that my community needed civic and economics institution.

4) Why did you choose this particular job at this particular company?

. I started the company to help young entrepreneurs interested in business.

5) How long have you worked here?

. I have been working at HABNET for five years.

6) What do your duties include? Another way of asking this questions is,What kinds of work does your job involve?

. It involves providing financial literacy and business education to mentees and the public.

7) What are some of the challenges you have faced working here?

. When it comes to limited resource and funding to conduct programs.

8) What is something you would like to change about your job?

. I would like to get new resources.

9) Did you work somewhere else before this job? Where? For how long? How was that similar/ different?

. I worked as a teacher for ten years in NYC board of education. Its similar because I have been teaching kids and its different because I teach adult and people who want to learn.

10) What do you see as your future with this company?

. I see a great bright future with the company because I am the president and there is nothing to scared of.

11) How has having an intern helped your company or organization?

. It definitely help get a lot done. Email Marketing tool. Put the organization on facebook ( social Media) and a lot more.

12)What advice would you give to teenage interns (such as myself) getting ready for college?

. Study hard, don’t do things that would change your life forever and after college start your own business.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Advisor – Conseiller:

Definition: one who offers advice Someone who give advise to others.

Sentence: The advisor advises student to always do extra study.

Appropriate – Approprier:

Definition: To allow in a certain manner.

Sentence: Not any clothes are appropriate to school.

Attitude – Attitude:

Definition: The way you talk to someone or act.

Sentence: Students have a total attitude for giving them to much homework.

Colleague –College:

Definition: To associate with a fellow member.

Sentence:You should pay close attention to how your colleagues behave.

Cover letter- Lettre:

Definition: A letter to commend.

Sentence: A cover letter is always require for an interview.

Co-worker – D’accompagnement:

Definition: A fellow worker.

Sentence: You always have to get along with your co-workers.

Criticism –critique:

Definition: The act of passing judgment

Sentence: My teacher’s criticism students because of their attitude.

Discrimination – Discrimination:

Definition: The way others someone treat one another based on class.

Sentence: Muslims face more discrimination than any other religious in the US.

Duty – D’evoir

Definition: Being in charge of something or someone to keep them safe.

Sentence: A teacher’s duty is to always making sure that the student did their work on time.

Employee –Employee:

Definition: A person working for another person or business.

Sentence: An employee can fired so easily.

Employer – Employeur:

Definition: The person who hire an employee to serve company.

Sentence : The employer can suspended an employee from job.

Evaluate – Evaluez:

Definition: To determine the amount of something important.

Sentence : Work is in process to evaluate school effectiveness.

Evaluation – Evaluation:

Definition : To examine ad judge someone or something.

Sentence :Every teachers get evaluation from the principal.

Flexible – Flexible:

Definition :Capable of being bent or flexed.

Sentence :Yoga helps your body to become flexible.

Harassment – Harcelement:

Definition : To attack someone in a sexual way.

Sentence : A man always get in trouble for harass women.

Initiative – Initiave:

Definition : A responsible decision

Sentence : Always take initiative in making friends.

Novice – Novice:

Definition : A person who is new a member.

Sentence :I am novice to the school I will have to show more hard work.

Proactive - Proactif:

Definition: Being interference between previous learning

Sentence :You should always show the interview that you proactive and interested to work in the company.

Qualifications – Qualifications:

Definition :The act of qualifying or the condition of being qualified.

Sentence :Your teachers can help you gain new qualification to a whole new career.

Recommendation –Recommendation:

Definition : A proof letter from a teacher.

Sentence : A recommendation is always require for a job.

Reference – Reference:

Definition : A person to whom one refers concern.

Sentence: At the end of internship Mr. Rockingster might give me a reference for my good behavior.

Reliable – Fiable:

Definition: That can be reliable on; dependable.

Sentence :Asking someone to so your homework for you shows that you are not reliable.

Salary – Salaire:

. An amount of money paid to a person for a good work or services.

. Show hard work and you might earn a huge salary.

Task – Tache:

Definition: A piece of a work assigned to a person

Sentence : Writing a good task can get you a higher grade.

Wages – Salaries:

Definition :Money that is received for work.

Sentence :My mom uses her wages to buy me a jump rope.